
Mixin to generate a custom μProgress style. Allow to customize, class name, height and colors. Generate a monochrome progres bar if one colors is passed or a multi-color animated one if multiple colors are passed.

Output: A CSS class to pass in the class option of the UProgress Javascript module.


Name Description Type Default Value
name class to apply to the μProgress. String uprogress
height progressbar height. Length $uprogress-height
colors List of Colors. List<Color> $uprogress-colors
position Position the µProgress on top or on bottom of its parent. String $uprogress-position


A purple progress bar with a height of .25rem

@include uprogress(purple-progress, .25rem, rgb(113, 62, 208));

// CSS Output
.purple-progress {
  top: 0;
  height: .25rem;
  background-color: rgb(113, 62, 208);
.purple-progress.blur {
  color: rgb(113, 62, 208);

A multi-color progress bar with default height (2px)

@include uprogress($name: rainbow-progress, $colors: (#17a0d3, #713ed0, #fc8d03, #38ad5d), $position: 'bottom');

// CSS Output
.purple-progress {
  bottom: 0;
  height: 2px;
  background-color: #17a0d3;
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #17a0d3, #713ed0, #fc8d03, #38ad5d, #17a0d3);
  background-size: 500%;
  animation: 2s linear infinite rainbow-progress, 0.3s fadein;
@keyframes fadein { ... }
@keyframes rainbow-progress { ... }


Default µProgress color.

Type: Color

Default value: #006be5


Default µProgress height.

Type: String

Default value: 2px


Z-index value of the µProgress.

Type: Number

Default value: 1000


Default µProgress posistion (top or bottom).

Type: String

Default value: 'top'