
Creates and control a µProgress.

Kind: global class

new UProgress([parent], [opts], [rtl])

Param Type Default Description
[parent] HTMLElement document.body The HTMLElement on which the µProgress will stand on top of.
[opts] Object   The µProgress configutation.
[rtl] boolean false true to move the µProgress from right to left, false for left to right.
[opts.start] number 0.01 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) at which the µProgress starts.
[opts.end] number 0.99 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) the µProgress is moving toward when started. Once reached, it will stop until set or done are called.
[opts.duration] number 25000 The durarion in ms it takes for the µProgress to go from opts.start to opts.end.
[opts.doneDuration] number 100 The duration in ms that the µProgress take to complete when done is called.
[opts.fadeDuration] number 200 The duration in ms the µProgress takes to fade out after it has completed.
[opts.class] number 'uprogress' The CSS class to set on the µProgress element.
[opts.barClass] number 'bar' The CSS class to set on the µProgress bar element.
[opts.blurClass] number 'blur' The CSS class to set on the µProgress blur element.

uProgress.start() ⇒ boolean

Display the µProgress and start its progress from opts.start to opts.end at a speed corresponding to opts.duration. Has no effect if the µProgress is already started.

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Returns: boolean - true if the µProgress has started, false otherwise.
Start the µProgress.

const uProgress = new UProgress();
// true

uProgress.set(duration, [target], [force]) ⇒ boolean

Change the µProgress target and the speed at which it reaches it. Useful to give a more accurate progress of multiple sequentials tasks. If the value of duration parameter is equal or greater than 1, then the µProgress will automatically fade out once it reaches 100% progress (equivalent to calling done with opts.doneDuration = duration).

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Returns: boolean - true if the µProgress duration or target has been changed, false otherwise.

Param Type Default Description
duration number   The duration in ms the µProgress will take to reach its target.
[target] number   The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) the µProgress will moving toward. Once reached, it will stop until set or done are called. If undefined or null, the µProgress target will stay the same.
[force] boolean false true to set the requested target even if ti makes the µProgress moves backward.

Update µProgress speed based on tasks progress.

// doHeavyTask calls a callback when done and is expected to takes up to 7s
// doLightTask calls a callback when done and is expected to takes up to 3s
const uProgress = new UProgress({
  duration: 7000
  end: 0.7
doHeavyTask(() => {
  // when heavy task is done
  uProgress.set(3000, .99);
  doLightTask(() => {
    // When light task is done

uProgress.done(destroy) ⇒ boolean

Gracefully complete the µProgress by moving quickly to 100% progress and then fading out. It will moves to 100% at the speed corresponding to opts.doneDuration and then fade out with the duration of opts.fadeDuration. Has no effect if the µProgress is not started or if done).

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Returns: boolean - true if the µProgress is going to be completed, false otherwise.

Param Type Description
destroy boolean true to automatically call destroy once the µProgress has completed.

Complete the µProgress once the monitored task is done.

// `doTask` calls a callback when done
const uProgress = new UProgress();
doTask(() => {
  // when task is done,

uProgress.status() ⇒ Status | boolean

Get the Status of the µProgress if it’s not destroyed, false otherwise.

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Returns: Status | boolean - The current Status or false.
Get the status.

const uProgress = new UProgress({duration: 20000});
setTimeout(() => {
  // {target: 0.99, duration: 15000, progress: 0.25}
}, 5000);

uProgress.options([opts], [rtl]) ⇒ UProgress

Update the µProgress instance configuration.

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Returns: UProgress - this, chainable

Param Type Default Description
[opts] Object   The µProgress configutation.
[rtl] boolean false true to move the µProgress from right to left, false for left to right.Will be used on next call to start.
[opts.start] number 0.01 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) at which the µProgress starts. Will be used on next call to start.
[opts.end] number 0.99 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) the µProgress is moving toward when started. Once reached, it will stop until set or done are called. Will be used on next call to start.
[opts.duration] number 25000 The durarion in ms it takes for the µProgress to go from opts.start to opts.end. Will be used on next call to start.
[opts.doneDuration] number 100 The duration in ms that the µProgress take to complete when done is called. Will be used on next call to done.
[opts.fadeDuration] number 200 The duration in ms the µProgress takes to fade out after it has completed. Will be used on next call to done.
[opts.class] number 'uprogress' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress element. Will be applied right away.
[opts.barClass] number 'bar' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress bar element. Will be applied right away.
[opts.blurClass] number 'blur' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress blur element. Will be applied right away.

Change duration.

const uProgress = new UProgress();
uProgress.options({duration: 20000}).start();
setTimeout(() => {
  // {target: 0.99, duration: 5000, progress: 0.75}
}, 15000);


Update the µProgress with and position based on its parent width. This methods is automatically called on a window resize event. However it has to be called manually if the parent container width changes for a reason other than a window resize.

Kind: instance method of UProgress
Create a new µProgress on top of a modal and change it’s width.

const uProgress = new UProgress(document.getElementById('my-modal'));
// Modify the modal content (i.e. refresh content with Ajax)


Kind: instance method of UProgress

UProgress.Default : Object

The default options for all new µProgress instances.

Kind: static constant of UProgress
Read only: true

Name Type Default Description
[rtl] boolean false true to move the µProgress from right to left, false for left to right.
[start] number 0.01 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) at which the µProgress starts.
[end] number 0.99 The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) the µProgress is moving toward when started. Once reached, it will stop until set or done are called.
[duration] number 2500 The durarion in ms it takes for the µProgress to go from start to end.
[doneDuration] number 100 The duration in ms that the µProgress take to complete when done is called.
[fadeDuration] number 200 The duration in ms the µProgress takes to fade out after it has completed.
[class] number 'uprogress' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress element.
[blurClass] number 'blur' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress blur element.
[barClass] number 'bar' The CSS class to set on the the µProgress bar element.
[resizeDebounce] number 300 the debounce threshold after which a window resize event trigger a call to refresh.

Change default options

UProgress.Default.duration = 3000;
UProgress.Default.class = 'custom-uprogress';

UProgress~Status : Object

Status of the µProgress instance.

Kind: inner typedef of UProgress

Name Type Description
target number The position in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%) the µProgress is moving toward. Once reached, it will stop until set or done are called.
duration number The duration in ms left to reach the position Status.target. Only returned if the µProgress is started.
progress number The current progress in percentage (.35 is 35%, 1 is 100%). Only returned if the µProgress is started.